ViSi Mobile Improves Nursing Workflow

ViSi Mobile Saves Lives

ViSi Mobile® Patient Monitoring System is a platform for comprehensive vital signs monitoring that keeps clinicians connected to their patients, whether in bed, in transport or while ambulating.

Utilizing machine learning from 22 Million hours of high-fidelity, de-identified, hospital patient data, ViSi Mobile saves lives by catching signs of deterioration early, alerting clinicians of the need for intervention. 

ViSi Mobile Monitors:

  • Arrhythmias
  • Continuous Non-Invasive Blood Pressure
  • ECG
  • Fall Detection
  • Heart rate
  • Posture
  • Pulse Rate
  • Respiration Rate
  • Skin Temperature
  • Sp02




Featuring comfortable body-worn sensors that allow for freedom of movement, the system enables accurate, continuous monitoring of all core vital signs with beat-to-beat, noninvasive blood pressure, as well as patient activity and posture. 

ViSi Mobile is a system designed to enhance patient safety, allowing early detection of patient deterioration and connecting clinicians with their patients anywhere, any time.
